Arcot Group A.I. Daily News 14/12/2023

A.I. Revolutionizing: From Public Safety to Cloud Collaboration and Retail Strategies Releases Free A.I. Weapon Detection Technology

Arcot Group, A.I. Daily News: Releases Free A.I. Weapon Detection Technology

This is our A.I. Daily News: has developed an A.I. model capable of identifying weapons in security camera footage and sending immediate alerts. Initially created to address theft in stores, the technology has evolved to help detect weapons in schools. The A.I. connects to existing cameras and scans for weapons, including individuals carrying them or wearing Kevlar vests. In a move to support community safety has made this technology open-source allowing schools, churches, community centers to access and use it for free. This initiative aims to combat gun violence, leveraging A.I.’s growing presence as a valuable tool for public safety. source Teams Up with Google Cloud to Enhance A.I. Accessibility

Arcot Group, A.I. Daily News: Teams Up with Google Cloud to Enhance A.I. Accessibility.

This is our A.I. Daily News:, a prominent European A.I. solutions provider, has partnered with Google Cloud to broaden the accessibility of generative A.I. for developers and businesses globally. This collaboration leverages Google Cloud’s optimized infrastructure to distribute  large language models (LLMs) facilitating the development of advanced open-source AI models in various languages. Mistral AI..’s 7B open LLM is integrated into Google’s Vertex A.I. Model Garden, enabling easy deployment of A.I. applications. With a focus on open source support and responsible A.I. principles, this partnership aligns with both companies commitment to making advanced A.I. models accessible to a diverse range of organizations. source

Relex Launches A.I.-Powered Pricing Optimization for Retail

Arcot Group, A.I. Daily News:  Relex Launches A.I.-Powered Pricing Optimization for Retail

This is our A.I. Daily News: Relex, a retail planning solutions company, recently introduced an A.I.-driven price optimization tool for retailers. Aimed at enhancing pricing strategies and decision-making, this Finnish firm’s solution integrates with its promotion planning features offering a unified approach to retail price management. The new tool includes scenario testing for impact analysis on pricing changes. It addresses current retail challenges like inflation and cost increases offering a holistic solution for competitive pricing while maintaining profit margins. With generative A.I.’s growing impact in retail, businesses are increasingly adopting A.I. for customer service and supply chain optimization, though consumer trust in data usage remains a concern. source

Google Unveils Multimodal A.I. Tools, Elevating Enterprise Capabilities

Arcot Group, A.I. Daily News:  Google Unveils Multimodal A.I. Tools, Elevating Enterprise Capabilities

This is our A.I. Daily News: Google has introduced Gemini Pro, a new multimodal A.I. tool designed for enterprise use. This development caters to the growing demand for A.I. models that can process various types of content including text, code, video, audio, and images. Gemini Pro, which follows the recent launch of Google’s flagship genA.I. model, Gemini, is touted as a game-changer in the A.I. industry. Available through Google Cloud’s Vertex AI platform and Google AI studio, Gemini Pro features a special Vision multimodal input, allowing both text and imagery inputs for text outputs, demonstrating Google’s commitment to being an A.I. first company.

Alphabet Introduces Cost-Effective A.I. Model Gemini to Spur Developer Engagement

Arcot Group, A.I. Daily News: Alphabet Introduces Cost-Effective A.I. Model Gemini to Spur Developer Engagement

This is our A.I. Daily News: Alphabet, the parent company of Google, announced significant cost reductions for Gemini, its advanced A.I. model. This move aims to encourage developers to utilize Gemini for building innovative A.I. applications. Launched last week with three versions Gemini boasts the ability to process diverse information forms like video, audio, and text with enhanced sophistication. Along with the price reduction, Alphabet is also releasing a suite of development tools, two new products powered by Gemini, and an updated image-generation model. The varying versions of Gemini cater to different processing power needs, from data centers to mobile devices, as Alphabet competes in the A.I. market, especially against OpenAI’s ChatGPT. source


These developments showcase A.I.’s expanding influence across various sectors. From’s weapon detection technology enhancing public safety to and Google Cloud’s partnership democratizing A.I. accessibility and Relex’s AI-driven retail solutions, A.I. is proving to be a transformative force. Additionally, Google’s Gemini Pro introduces new dimensions in enterprise A.I., while Alphabet’s cost-effective Gemini model represents a strategic move to foster developer engagement in AI technologies. Together, these advancements underline AI’s crucial role in shaping the future of technology, safety, and business innovation.
For more insights and daily updates on the ever-evolving world of A.I., stay informed with Arcot Group, your reliable source for the latest in A.I. news and developments

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